Student Funding
If you’re like most people, you’ll draw on a mix of resources to pay for your education—savings, jobs, family, scholarships, bursaries, or government student aid.
Scholarships and Bursaries
A scholarship is a monetary award based on academic merit or excellence in a specific area of study or discipline (athletics, music, volunteerism, etc.). A bursary is a monetary grant based primarily on financial need.
Alberta Scholarships and Bursary Programs
Alberta Advanced Education administers scholarships and bursaries through a number of programs. Visit the Alberta Scholarships website for more information.
Post-Secondary Institution Awards and Scholarships
Awards and scholarships are also available from Alberta post-secondary institutions. These awards and scholarships are available in addition to the ones provided by the Alberta government.
Alberta University of the Arts
Ambrose University
Athabasca University
Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity
Bow Valley College
Burman University
Concordia University of Edmonton
Keyano College
The King's University
Lakeland College
Lethbridge College
MacEwan University
Medicine Hat College
Mount Royal University
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT)
NorQuest College
Northern Lakes College
Northwestern Polytechnic
Olds College of Agriculture & Technology
Portage College
Red Deer Polytechnic
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT)
St. Mary's University
University of Alberta
University of Calgary
University of Lethbridge
Student Aid
Student Aid is available to help eligible post-secondary students meet the basic costs of learning and living so they can achieve their educational goals. When you apply, you’ll be considered for loans and grants from both Student Aid Alberta and the Canada Student Loans Program. Funding is available for full-time and part-time students.
Before You Apply for Funding
Education and Living Costs
Types of Funding
Applying for Funding
How to Apply
Apply for Student Funding Online
Getting Your Money
Additional Student Aid Resources
Budget for Student Life
Money Matters: Spending Plan for Students
Student Budget Worksheet
Typical Costs for One Year
System Availability
ApplyAlberta Outages
No planned maintenance at this time.
Institution Outages
Mar. 28 to Mar. 28, 2025