Before You Start
You can login to ApplyAlberta using one of the following login options:
- A Google account
- A Microsoft account
- A basic (non-verified) account
If you have previously logged into ApplyAlberta, continue to login with the same account. Do not create an ASN (you already have an ASN). Creating a new one will DELAY your application process.
A credit or debit card may be required to pay the post-secondary institution's application fee
If you are currently attending or have previously attended any school in Alberta and have never logged into ApplyAlberta:
- You will need to ensure that the following information in the account you use to log into ApplyAlberta matches your Alberta school record:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Date of Birth
If you are unsure of your Alberta School record information, please contact the Help Desk
- You will need your Alberta Student Number(ASN) Look up your ASN
Do not create an ASN (you already have an ASN). Creating a new one will DELAY your application process.
If you have your information ready. Apply Now
If you have never attended any school in Alberta and have never logged into ApplyAlberta, Apply Now
System Availability
ApplyAlberta Outages
No planned maintenance at this time.
Institution Outages
No planned maintenance at this time.